Christmas Music and Flowers
We invite you, in your gratitude and remembrance, to share in making the Christmas services at Saint Anthony a reflection of the many blessings we share. Poinsettias in the sanctuary and beautiful music are a tradition for us each year as we invite God's people to join in the celebration of the birth of Christ.
You need not offer a monetary gift in order to memorialize or give thanks for those in your life, should your circumstances make that unfeasible for you. You may offer up to any amount that you feel acknowledges your gratitude.
Please fill in the form below and submit. You may make payment online here. (Under Fund, select other. Type in Christmas Music & Flowers.)
If you write a check, please make it out to Saint Anthony on the Desert and mark for Christmas Music and Flowers.
Offering must be received by Friday, December 20 for inclusion in the Christmas Eve order of services.
You need not offer a monetary gift in order to memorialize or give thanks for those in your life, should your circumstances make that unfeasible for you. You may offer up to any amount that you feel acknowledges your gratitude.
Please fill in the form below and submit. You may make payment online here. (Under Fund, select other. Type in Christmas Music & Flowers.)
If you write a check, please make it out to Saint Anthony on the Desert and mark for Christmas Music and Flowers.
Offering must be received by Friday, December 20 for inclusion in the Christmas Eve order of services.