I have lately been bereft of inspiration. It isn’t about the boutons, those nodes of association flickering in and out in my brain. It’s more about paying attention to the Holy Spirit, always steadfast and immanent in my life. I was unresponsive to the Spirit active and constant inspirations.
Something within me blocked the Holy Spirit’s call to me. What removed that block and opened my heart is an obvious reality of life. It has lately dawned on me it’s not always about me. Maybe it’s seldom about me or never! So, who or what is it about in my life?
Regard Abram. The Lord tells him to leave his home country and Abram goes. The Lord blesses and names him Abraham and makes his name great. Regard Moses. God tells him to go back to Egypt. He argues with the Lord: “O my Lord please send someone else.” Moses does what the Lord commands, returns to Egypt and leads his people out of slavery. They coalesce into a new people.
I believe all this is about having the courage to believe in God’s Providence, God's care and guidance at work in the world, God’s plan and purpose for everything. God guides us on our journey of faith, and provides for the journey, if we listen for that provision.
The hardest thing for me is not navigating the obstacles in my path. It is believing and knowing the Holy Spirit prepares a path for me. Willing to give up constantly trying to find my own way.
Paul tells me it’s not about me in his letter to the Church at Ephesus
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God— not the result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” Ephesians 2:8-10
One day, the Holy Spirit’s call pulled me out of my inertia. I looked for and prayed about the meaning of that insistent call. In my weaknesses I simply wanted to know God as I am known by God. And I realized in my journey of faith it’s not always about me. It’s about God’s enabling Spirit in my life, God’s pro-vid-ence for me.
I pray God draw my heart dedicated to your glory. Holy Spirit inspire and guide my imaginations to your purposes. Christ Jesus help me faithfully follow you on my own journey.
Something within me blocked the Holy Spirit’s call to me. What removed that block and opened my heart is an obvious reality of life. It has lately dawned on me it’s not always about me. Maybe it’s seldom about me or never! So, who or what is it about in my life?
Regard Abram. The Lord tells him to leave his home country and Abram goes. The Lord blesses and names him Abraham and makes his name great. Regard Moses. God tells him to go back to Egypt. He argues with the Lord: “O my Lord please send someone else.” Moses does what the Lord commands, returns to Egypt and leads his people out of slavery. They coalesce into a new people.
I believe all this is about having the courage to believe in God’s Providence, God's care and guidance at work in the world, God’s plan and purpose for everything. God guides us on our journey of faith, and provides for the journey, if we listen for that provision.
The hardest thing for me is not navigating the obstacles in my path. It is believing and knowing the Holy Spirit prepares a path for me. Willing to give up constantly trying to find my own way.
Paul tells me it’s not about me in his letter to the Church at Ephesus
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God— not the result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” Ephesians 2:8-10
One day, the Holy Spirit’s call pulled me out of my inertia. I looked for and prayed about the meaning of that insistent call. In my weaknesses I simply wanted to know God as I am known by God. And I realized in my journey of faith it’s not always about me. It’s about God’s enabling Spirit in my life, God’s pro-vid-ence for me.
I pray God draw my heart dedicated to your glory. Holy Spirit inspire and guide my imaginations to your purposes. Christ Jesus help me faithfully follow you on my own journey.