
The sacrament of baptism marks the entry into the body of Christ – the Church. The rituals of baptism provide a means for each of us to say – “Yes” to God. Baptism is our response to God’s overflowing love as we are marked as Christ’s own forever. Preparation for baptism – whether for one self or for one’s child -- provides a place within the context of the church community to explore and ask questions concerning our Christian beliefs.
Those desiring baptism will participate in small group gatherings with the Rector and others to fully explore the meaning of this sacrament. Holy Baptism is administered within the context of the Eucharist on Sunday morning when the entire church community is present to witness and support those being baptized. To the extent possible, baptism is recommended on four feast days of the church:
•Easter Vigil
•Day of Pentecost
•All Saints Day
•Feast of the Baptism of our Lord
Those seeking baptism should contact the church office.
Those desiring baptism will participate in small group gatherings with the Rector and others to fully explore the meaning of this sacrament. Holy Baptism is administered within the context of the Eucharist on Sunday morning when the entire church community is present to witness and support those being baptized. To the extent possible, baptism is recommended on four feast days of the church:
•Easter Vigil
•Day of Pentecost
•All Saints Day
•Feast of the Baptism of our Lord
Those seeking baptism should contact the church office.