Care Ministries
“We were gentle among you, like a nurse tenderly caring for her own children. So deeply do we care for you that we are determined to share with you not only the Gospel of God, but also our own selves, because you have become very dear to us.”
(1 Thessalonians 2:7-8)
(1 Thessalonians 2:7-8)
Crisis Support
In addition to scheduled visits in homes or hospitals, in the event of an emergency, please call Canon Holly Herring at 480.451.0860.
Other Care Needs
Call the church office or fill out the form below to request pastoral assistance and to provide information to the clergy on upcoming hospitalizations, medical treatments or other situations where pastoral care would be helpful.
In addition to scheduled visits in homes or hospitals, in the event of an emergency, please call Canon Holly Herring at 480.451.0860.
Other Care Needs
Call the church office or fill out the form below to request pastoral assistance and to provide information to the clergy on upcoming hospitalizations, medical treatments or other situations where pastoral care would be helpful.
Eucharistic Visitation Ministry:
The team of Eucharistic Visitors at Saint Anthony on the Desert is a vital part of our sacramental life. This team of licensed lay professionals is available to take Holy Communion to those who are shut in, hospitalized or unable to attend because of health. A Eucharistic Visitor provides a way for the parishioner to have a direct connection to the faith community, participating in the nurturing, strengthening, healing and renewing of communion that their fellow parishioners experience during worship services.
This makes for a very blessed snapshot of the worship life of Saint Anthony, mutually blessing both those being visited and the visitor in the experience of the sacramental and worship life of our parish community. If you are interested in accompanying a licensed Eucharistic Visitor on a visit or for more information, contact us to be connected to a Eucharistic Visitor Ministry leader.
Spiritual Gifts: evangelism, faith, giving, intercession, knowledge, leadership, shepherding and service
Healing Prayer Ministry:
Healing Prayer is praying for those who are sick or in need of healing by bringing them into the healing presence of Christ so that they can be healed and reconciled to God. We pray using Jesus Christ as our model. We offer the prayers for healing and laying on of hands during every 9 am Sunday service.
A member of this ministry is present in the Chapel of Saint Luke during and after Communion every Sunday to pray with any individual or family who come in need of prayer, sometimes offering thanks to God for blessings received and other times it may be for seeking assurance of God's presence and love in times of difficulty. Formation is available, and the rewards of being a companion in prayer are many. For further information about how you can participate in this ministry, please contact us to be connected to a Healing Prayer Ministry leader.
Spiritual Gifts: faith, intercession, prayer, compassion and listening
Intercessory Prayer Ministry: (Formerly "Prayer Chain")
Intercessory Prayer is a ministry of presence in which the intercessor prays to God on behalf of another. The Intercessory Prayers Ministry offers daily prayers from requests made through our worship services, staff or our online presence.
All prayer requested are kept in strict confidence with clergy and this small group ministry. Intercessors pray at home or sometimes in the Chapel of Saint Luke the Physician. Saint Anthony is fortunate to have among its members so many who are called to this ministry. As a consequence, our lives together as a parish in many ways emulates the one Christ prayed his disciples would experience..."that they may be one, as we are one." For further information about how you can participate in this ministry, please contact us to be connected to an Intercessory Prayer Ministry leader.
Spiritual Gifts: faith, intercession, prayer, compassion
The team of Eucharistic Visitors at Saint Anthony on the Desert is a vital part of our sacramental life. This team of licensed lay professionals is available to take Holy Communion to those who are shut in, hospitalized or unable to attend because of health. A Eucharistic Visitor provides a way for the parishioner to have a direct connection to the faith community, participating in the nurturing, strengthening, healing and renewing of communion that their fellow parishioners experience during worship services.
This makes for a very blessed snapshot of the worship life of Saint Anthony, mutually blessing both those being visited and the visitor in the experience of the sacramental and worship life of our parish community. If you are interested in accompanying a licensed Eucharistic Visitor on a visit or for more information, contact us to be connected to a Eucharistic Visitor Ministry leader.
Spiritual Gifts: evangelism, faith, giving, intercession, knowledge, leadership, shepherding and service
Healing Prayer Ministry:
Healing Prayer is praying for those who are sick or in need of healing by bringing them into the healing presence of Christ so that they can be healed and reconciled to God. We pray using Jesus Christ as our model. We offer the prayers for healing and laying on of hands during every 9 am Sunday service.
A member of this ministry is present in the Chapel of Saint Luke during and after Communion every Sunday to pray with any individual or family who come in need of prayer, sometimes offering thanks to God for blessings received and other times it may be for seeking assurance of God's presence and love in times of difficulty. Formation is available, and the rewards of being a companion in prayer are many. For further information about how you can participate in this ministry, please contact us to be connected to a Healing Prayer Ministry leader.
Spiritual Gifts: faith, intercession, prayer, compassion and listening
Intercessory Prayer Ministry: (Formerly "Prayer Chain")
Intercessory Prayer is a ministry of presence in which the intercessor prays to God on behalf of another. The Intercessory Prayers Ministry offers daily prayers from requests made through our worship services, staff or our online presence.
All prayer requested are kept in strict confidence with clergy and this small group ministry. Intercessors pray at home or sometimes in the Chapel of Saint Luke the Physician. Saint Anthony is fortunate to have among its members so many who are called to this ministry. As a consequence, our lives together as a parish in many ways emulates the one Christ prayed his disciples would experience..."that they may be one, as we are one." For further information about how you can participate in this ministry, please contact us to be connected to an Intercessory Prayer Ministry leader.
Spiritual Gifts: faith, intercession, prayer, compassion

Needlecrafts for Needs
Members of the Needlecrafts for Needs Ministry offer their creative gifts and skills to create prayer shawls, lap blankets, hats and baby blankets that are given to those dealing with illness as well as to area shelters surrounding each recipient with a tangible sense of God’s love.
These are distributed throughout the community to local skilled nursing facilities, the East Valley Men's Center and a group assisting those with special needs. The ministry welcomes stitchers of any skill level and teaches needlepoint from basic stitches to detailed and advanced work. You don't have to come to our meetings in order to make things for us, and you are welcome to come to our meetings even if you aren't making anything for us. For further information about how you can participate in this ministry, please contact us to be connected to a Needlecrafts for Needs Ministry leader.
Spiritual Gifts: compassion, encouragement, evangelism, craftsmanship, giving, helps
Members of the Needlecrafts for Needs Ministry offer their creative gifts and skills to create prayer shawls, lap blankets, hats and baby blankets that are given to those dealing with illness as well as to area shelters surrounding each recipient with a tangible sense of God’s love.
These are distributed throughout the community to local skilled nursing facilities, the East Valley Men's Center and a group assisting those with special needs. The ministry welcomes stitchers of any skill level and teaches needlepoint from basic stitches to detailed and advanced work. You don't have to come to our meetings in order to make things for us, and you are welcome to come to our meetings even if you aren't making anything for us. For further information about how you can participate in this ministry, please contact us to be connected to a Needlecrafts for Needs Ministry leader.
Spiritual Gifts: compassion, encouragement, evangelism, craftsmanship, giving, helps
Walking the Mourner's Path Ministry
Through a supportive group-facilitated process, participants share stories, reflect on ways of honoring their deceased loved ones and discover that God continues to lead them to new joy-filled times. This ministry team offers eight-week workshops periodically throughout the year to meet the needs of parishioners and community members. The team is composed of clergy, trained facilitators, prayer partners and reception hosts.
For more information about being trained as a facilitator for Walking the Mourner's Path ministry at Saint Anthony or hosting a facilitator's training of Saint Anthony's Walking the Mourner's Path ministry anywhere in the United States or internationally, please go here.
Spiritual Gifts: leadership, compassion, empathy, wisdom, teaching, shepherding, administration, service
Through a supportive group-facilitated process, participants share stories, reflect on ways of honoring their deceased loved ones and discover that God continues to lead them to new joy-filled times. This ministry team offers eight-week workshops periodically throughout the year to meet the needs of parishioners and community members. The team is composed of clergy, trained facilitators, prayer partners and reception hosts.
For more information about being trained as a facilitator for Walking the Mourner's Path ministry at Saint Anthony or hosting a facilitator's training of Saint Anthony's Walking the Mourner's Path ministry anywhere in the United States or internationally, please go here.
Spiritual Gifts: leadership, compassion, empathy, wisdom, teaching, shepherding, administration, service