What are the Ways I can Serve?

Within Our Walls...
Choirs - Darren Herring
The Adult Choir is open to high school age to adults and sings at the 9 am Sunday worship service.
Choirs - Darren Herring
The Adult Choir is open to high school age to adults and sings at the 9 am Sunday worship service.
Christian Formation - Will Strong
Volunteer to help with Children's programs either regularly or occasionally. Youth Group - Will Strong Volunteer to help with Youth Group either regularly or occasionally. Welcome Team - Jill Kyler This group of energetic people are ready to answer questions and provide assistance to all our guests. Acolytes - Janelle Liffiton Members 4th grade to adult assist the altar party during the worship service. Eucharistic Ministers - Gail Austin The role of the Eucharistic Minister is to assist the priest in administering the bread and wine during communion. Altar Guild - This team prepares the altar and its furnishings and linens for each service. Flower Guild - Rosemary Viets Members arrange the flowers that adorn the sanctuary and the Chapel of St. Luke the Physician each week. Funeral Reception Team - Office Volunteers on call to host a reception after funerals and memorial services by providing food or assisting in setup and cleanup of the Parish Hall. Ushers - Kelle Hohl Ushers warmly greet guests and members, providing assistance or directions as needed. Arts Council - Office Show your artistic talents on a monthly basis on the art wall in the Parish Hall. Eucharistic Visitors - Office At the conclusion of each Sunday service, Eucharistic Visitors bring communion to those unable to attend worship. Communion is regularly delivered to a nearby retirement community, to nursing homes, hospitals and private residences. Walking the Mourner's Path - Catherine Gilbert A Christ-centered, non-denominational national grief support program offered by St. Anthony. Details here. Stewardship - Canon Holly Herring This team helps to focus conversations about how to support the ministries at St. Anthony through financial pledges and gifts creating opportunities for all to live into their dreams and passions. Office Angels - Office Help is always welcomed during office hours to assist in a variety of activities. |